I recieved the next part of Citrine! It was in my inbox when I woke up this morning! I just printed it up, and figured while I had that computer on, I'd scan Dragonfly QS while I was there. This is as far as I got. Only about 6% more than when I put it away to do the first part. But even a little progress is progress.
The next part of Citrine doesn't look as confetti-ish as I had expected. So maybe it will only take me three months instead of four. But I've got Dragonfly put away, and Citrine on the Q-Snaps.
School didn't take long this morning. The teachers only needed three sheets copied, so I was finished with that before school had even started for the day. And the librarian was out today, so he had shelved all the books yesterday. Usually, he'll save them for me since he knows I'm coming. But subs don't usually put the books in the right spot. Some books, like popular series, have special spots, instead of just mixed in with the others. So I was home again by eight!
So now I'm going to have some lunch, and then work on Citrine! I can't wait to get to all the oranges. I think bright orange is a highly underused color in cross stitch.
Putting It Away
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So Much For Every Week
The weekend before last was the monthly theme SAL on the HAED board. The theme this month was "maidens," meaning girls without wings and/or tails. So no mermaids, fairies, or angels. So I picked up Dorothy And Toto. The picture on the left is how it looked when I picked it up. The last time I worked on it was February 2008.
The picture on the right is how it looked after the SAL. I got a good bit done. I'm satisfied with it. I met my goal for this one for the year. I wanted to put at least 200 stitches in, and I put in more like 400.
Last weekend was the UFO/SWIP SAL. So I pulled out Angel Of Capricorn. The picture on the right is the before picture. The one on the left is the after. I got all the way across the first row of the first page! I managed to get most of the second row done, too.

Babbled by jymisgurl 0 people read this?
Related to: Anderson, Beckett-Griffith, bills, books, Bowser, HAED, hubbie, kids, school
I finished Sweetheart Fence! It came out pretty cute! And only one week after Valentine's Day. It's stitched on PTP 28 ct. Crystal Whimsey Cashel linen.
I also realized I never put Snow Fence in my Webshots, so I scanned it, too. I finished it in early October of last year, right after we moved. This one is on PTP 28 ct. Crystal Dwarf Cashel linen. I like PTP's sparkly Cashels.
I finished another row on QS Dragonfly. I hate it when I start a row and there's so much confetti. But towards the end, there is usually some bigger blobs of color. I'm almost to the halfway point! I'm going to finish this one before the end of the year.
This weekend is a Maidens SAL on the HAED BB. Angels, mermaids, and fairies don't count. Otherwise I'd pull out Angel Of Capricorn. But I'm going to work on Dorothy And Toto instead. My goal for this one is 200 stitches this year. I think I can get there this weekend. I want to work a little on every project I've got started this year.
Our tax money is completely gone now. I've got my new computer! It's wonderful, but I can help feeling I've betrayed my old one. There's nothing major wrong with it. But we've still used it a little. My new one's cool. I've had to get used to it though. It's set up differently.
I also got my glasses, and a spare pair! It's so cool to be able to see again. I've had to get used to them, too. It's been almost a year since I gave up on my old ones. At first everything was all wavy. Then I had to get used to them sitting on my nose all the time. My eyes hurt when I take them off and forget to put them back on. My eyes don't like adjusting back to not seeing. I can't believe how much better I can see.
And we finally got a bookshelf for all the DVDs. The only one we could find that held more that 100, held 500. I knew we probably had at least 200, so we bought the 500 one. I didn't think we'd fill it . But we came pretty close, when you add in the video games. There are 24 cubes, and 7 1/2 on the top are filled with the "grown-up" movies. The eight on the bottom are filled with the boys' movies. And there's a different box for the games for each system. And some are filled with CD cases. There was only one empty block, so I put Tobi's last school picture in there. I put several others on the shelves that weren't completely full.
Some of Jymi's friends from work are going midnight bowling tonight. So the boys are spending the night at Grandma's. We went there after school. And when I got home, Jymi had to go to work. So I've got a few hours to myself, without anyone asking for anything! I'm gonna get what I need for Dorothy And Toto, and then have dinner. Then I'm going to work out without thinking about time. And then when I get home. I'm gonna shower and use all the hot water.
I'm not sure if I'll bowl, if we go. I didn't get the impression Jymi really wanted to go bowling. We'll both bowl on the Wii, but we both suck in real life. The last time I went bowling, I was in 5th grade. I got a 38. I think I can get away with just watching though. I don't think the other guys will let Jymi get away with that. Get a few beers in him and he won't care if he sucks. But I can't drink with my medication, so I'll still be self conscious. I guess we'll see how it goes.
Babbled by jymisgurl 0 people read this?
Related to: computers, Fenech, friends, HAED, hubbie, kids, movies, raise the roof
Get This Party Started!
We live in an upstairs apartment. The people underneath are generally nice people. There are fours kids close to my boys' ages. The mom gives my boys a ride to school in the morning, and I walk home with the six kids in the afternoon.

Babbled by jymisgurl 0 people read this?
Related to: books, computers, kids, raise the roof
Reset Button
I kinda abandoned my last blog, so here's my new one. It will be devoted to whatever pops into my head, in all honesty. But I have the intention of using it mostly to show my cross stitch and weight loss. I will babble about my family, pets, volunteer work, books, video games, movies, ect. Like I said; whatever pops into my head. I will try to remember to post at least once a week.As far as my stitching goes, I will post pics as I get to projects. I've got too many started to show them all in one post. This is what I'm currently working on. It's Raise The Roof's Sweetheart Fence. That is the picture from the last time I worked on it, in 2007. Yeah, it's been awhile.
I am currently trying to whittle down my WIPs. I got up to nineteen. I started this year with seventeen, and I've had two new smallish starts. And I also finished my first HAED, Lee-Anne Seed's Oriental Courage SK. I cheated and stitched it on red fabric instead of stitching all that red background. So I've got eighteen WIPs/UFOs now, I think. I'd have to actually go through and count them to know for sure. I can't remember what all I started, what I kitted up, or even what I bought!
As for weight loss, at my highest, I weighed 185 lbs. After a year and a half of working out and changing my eating habits (mostly, I still love Bojangles), I'm down to 139. I have also learned that a number on the scale is not a big deal. No number will ever make me as happy as being the cool mom at the park because I play tag with the kids.
My husband is very sweet, too. We got our tax return today, and he bought me a new laptop and a new iPod. He's also getting himself a new computer, which is why I get my stuff. The disk drive on this one is broken, and I had asked him to fix it. After he explained that he couldn't, he started looking at a new one for me. He knew I would be pissed if he got a new computer and he wouldn't even fix mine.
My old iPod had actually been his, but since he didn't use it much, we agreed it would be mine until he wanted it back. To me that translated to I could have that one, and when he wanted one again, he'd just go buy himself a new one. About a week ago, he came up to me and said, "How attatched are you to that iPod?" I told him, "I don't know. Are you gonna buy me a new one?" I was so suprised when he asked what kind I wanted. So today we went to Best Buy and bought my new, pretty, blue Nano. And my new computer is ordered, and will be here next week! It will be blue, too.
The rest of our tax money will go to bills, getting the car fixed, and getting me some new glasses. My current pair is older than my children. I got those when I was fifteen! My youngest, Darin, broke them when he was 18 months old. He's in kindergarten now. I am so looking forward to being able to see well again!
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